Good grief I thought I was doing pretty good for a while until I signed in my blog and seen I haven't done anything on here in forever and a day!
Well what can I say life is hectic and the time passes too fast!
I got a new kitten along side a road in Ohio and brought it home. Her name is Boo and she is crazy! Her name should have been mischevious!
I finsished 2 quilt bags since I came home from retreat in September so not much sewing going on here!
My daughter who has Muscular Dystrophy Limb Girdle is pregnant with her 2nd child and so I have been helping her get the house ready and get her organized. She has trouble and things are getting worse as far as her strength. We ahve decided to have a maid come in a few days per week to help out once we get the house the way she wants it. It makes me so to see her struggle and I get teary eyed alot. She has a great spirit about her though so that helps. I love my kids tons and I am so proud of all 3 of them.