Wednesday, December 29, 2010

good progress on Roll roll cotton boll!

I ironed all my fabrics and started cutting them into strips for step one. I hope to start sewing this weekend. I am also getting the news print cut into 8.5 inches to do my string blocks. So I am making progress even though it is slow!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Okay you should see my choices!

I think this is going to be a very pretty quilt! I have seen some others steps 1-3 and can't wait to get started on mine. I plan on having it done before I go back to my sisters so I can tqke it and quilt it while I am there. She has a long arm now! wHOOOhOOO!

I wonder if my Accuquilt Go will be of help in cutting out some of these fabrcis? I am going to try and get all the help I can! LOL

So off to cut hubby's hair then iron my fabrics! Until next time...

(I sure hope to be able to show pictures of my steps soon!) Ellen

Friday, December 3, 2010

get inspired!!

Well today I decide that I need to get back into sewing again! I have been so bad lately and getting depressed so I need to do something about it. Sewing is a stres reliever for me and I have decided to do the Bonnie hunter mystery rollroll cotton boll. I need to go pick out fabrics now so I am off and hope to show you my choices soon.

Monday, October 25, 2010 love this website!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

time is passing on and on

As the time goes by I have done nothing as far as sewing anything. I plan to change that very soon. I got an old treadle sewing machine cabinet the machine was gone but I just covered the hole with plexy glass and now have a machine on top so I can sew in my spare time in my living room. I will post pictures soon!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Well it is labor day weekend 2010 what has been going on lately is we got a new puppy...named her Sissy.....she is a chihuaua! I haven't done any sewing lately I am so bad, as I need to do some happy blocks for a group from July!

Sissy is sleeping on my lap as I type! She is so attached to me!

Anyway I will try and post more I have kinda gave up again for a while but hopefully I can post more often and keep you up to date.

Enjoy the pictures of Sissy oh and I have a new one of Boo laying in a funny position.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

fun yesterday on my birthday

I am still at Shannon's in the deep south in the middle of now where! LOL Her husband Mark drove us to a quilt store an hour and a half a way in Moultry GA called Suzanne's they gave me 15 % discount because it was my birthday! Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! extra bonus!!!

I grabbed up a batik kit in the sale items great deal was 75.00 with 35 % off! Got some Maxine fabric for my panel, blah blah, this should turn out real cute once I work on it. I will post a picture once I get it done.

We have yet to do any sewing so far, but we have her sewing room looking good! David should be coming to get me on Thursday unless the state walks in his facility. Then we plan to leave on Sunday unless something else comes up.

More later, Ellen

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I am in Georgia with my sister for 2 weeks! It is hot hot hot down here! We haven't done any sewing for the first week so far as we are trying to re-organize her house & sewing room. She is now an empty nester and we are trying to get al the kids stuff out so she has more room to move around. Her sewing room is this week as soon as we get it donw we can do some projects we have been wanting to do. More later! Ellen

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

update 6/2/10

Well I will be posting a picture of the bag lady I made for Liz, but she needs to see it first so onc she receives it I will post a picture.

One month until I leave to see my sister for 2 weeks to sew together. I can't wait...I gave up going to retreat so Ican go to her house in Georgia and sew together. I think this will be so much fun! I got her involved in quilting a few years ago and now she is head over heals into like I am!

My next project is to clean my sewing room and go through my books and magazines to be able to take the duplicates to my sister......we do this alot but two and share with one another!

Well I better go Criminal minds is on.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 3, 2010

Well I finshed block 3 of David's quilt.... So this past weekend we stayed at a farm house in southern Indiana with our son his girlfriend and my brother and sisiter in law. We all had a great time...then....last night I fell out of bed and injured my pinky knuckle got an Xray which was negative, but the doctor splinted it for the next 48 hours and if it isn't better I have to go back for another xray she said sometimes the fracture won't show up on hands for a while.

Weird things just plague me!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some good reads!

I have been reading which is a very rare occausion for me, but I have fell in love with some books I thought I would share with you. Have you ever read any Janet Evanovich? I have found that all her books are great but the Stephanie Plum series is the best.....then I started reading the Lumby series and fell in love again these books are by Gail Fraser.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I just realized!

You know my blog says cats & quilts right? Well I do not have any pictures of my babies! So I decided to correct this tonight. Let me know what you think...I have 4 furbabies to be exact. The oldest is Naomi aka Nommers she is a torteshell we got her from the humane society.....then we have Frank the tank! He is a mancoon or Mainecoon however you want to say it or spell it....they are known for thier size and gentleness. Then we Velevet she was 1 of 4 kittens I saved from certain death, you see there was a call for help put out on a free cycle website that these kittens were going to die and was there some one out there that could help....well I am a sucker for cats so I went and got them and was able to get them to eat and go to the bathrooom. They were on the verge of as they were very dehydrated after the momma cat couldn't nurse them and their urine was so orange and concentrated that I was scared they would not make it.....Yet they all did! there were 4 total 3 female and long black haird and one male that was balck & white. I kept one, my daughters both have the other girls and my sister in Georgia took the male. Last bu not least I have Buckeye Boo...she has a story to! I was driving back from a biusiness trip and found her near some fileds with esd tail hawks circling around her. I stopped and brought her home and we decided to keep her. She is a long haired tabby and a sweet kitty!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April 20 2010

Well I thought I would update some pictures of my grandkids and some projects I am working on. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Good golly I am not very good at this!

I have been sewing though so that is a good thing. I recently signed up for a bag lady swap again and have some beautiful fabric choices and foudn the perfect pattern to make with them. I really need to get some of my UFO's completed though. Tomorrow I am headed to meet a few great quitler friends to hang out, shop, sew and goof off. I will post some pictures of the fabrics form my bag lady soon. I actually got mine back already from a good friend Sue and will post pictures of that soon. Well gotta go be back soon I hope! Ellen

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Well Well I see I have done it again!

I hardly ever get on here! LOL

Well since the last time I have some things have changed mainly my health! I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes aos I am trying to get healthier! My blood sugars are in normal range but I need to loose wome weight! I have already lost about 6-7 pounds so that is a good start.

I also need to start sewing again! I have too many UFO's to finish! So that is a goal of mine to!

Wish me luck! Ellen