Monday, January 31, 2011

I have neglected this blog as usual!!!

I have been super busy though, I must admit. While I re-arranged my sewing room. I actually got everything in the room now! It is packed, LOL! I think I got some before and after pictures for you.

I also stopped working on my roll roll cotton boll temporary while I did this. This will also give my sister some time to catch up with me. I am still on step 3, but it is coming along....I got pictures of that to!

Tonight I went to BSF, which is an 8 year bible study commitment, only to find out they cancelled due to the weather (we are getting freezing rain) and it is accumulating rather rapidly! So I worried about our huge trees we need to get trimmed! YIKES what if they fall? I pray they don't! I also pray that people drive very carefully out there. My husband left for work this morning only to find a head on colision crash just a head of him! He said it was horrible accident and the police had just arrived. Scary stuff!

I know my blog says cats & quilts, but if you know me.... you know I now have a little chi named Sissy! She is 4 pounds and is a sweetie pie!

Okay I am going to start adding some pictures now! Talk to you all later! I think I will only add the pictures before....then the after ones maybe tomorrow! come back and see me! I hope I remember to! LOL

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